Definitely math.

For starters, I don’t enjoy math. Words are so much more fun than numbers!
Plus, I’m not a detail-oriented person, and in math, there are a lot (a lot) of details.
You miss one comma or bracket or negative sign and poof, the entire problem is wrong.
Words are so much more forgiving.
I did get through math all right as a student, but I made a lot of careless mistakes. I might have understood the concept, but then I copied the problem wrong or wrote too sloppily and thought a 5 was a 3, or I didn’t line the numbers up carefully enough.
You know…details.

As a homeschool mom, I’ve been steeped in math for many years now, so I currently feel very competent in the math department.
But it’s still not something that I love.
And that is why I have a side gig doing writing, not math tutoring.
Math for me as well, but specifically, geometry and trigonometry. Algebra was okay, but those other two just did not make sense to me. Chemistry was also a challenge for me, because, again, math.
what’s trigonometry and geometry?
plz don’t make fun of me I’m only in 4th grade
Definitely math! I never liked it but my fear of it probably started when I just moved from Illinois to California and was at a brand new school and my 3rd grade teacher made my go to the board in front of class to do a math problem that I didn’t know. I cried in front of the class. I remember him
taking me outside and really firmly scolding me. Awful! I think I never tried in math again. Forward years later in college, I HAD to pass statistics to get into graduate school. I had already dropped the class twice! I tried it at a different college during the summer. I immediately liked the professor. She was so patient. It clicked. I got a B!
Plain and solid geometry -Sophomore yr high school. First time I ever was in danger of failing. My teacher told my dad in her many years of teaching math, she firmly believed there were some people who could not “see” geometry. First time I made a C in all my school years. I was beyond thrilled when I went to Baylor University for my BSN, I found due to our needed extra science classes, no college Algebra needed!!
It does sometimes seem like people who can do algebra can also struggle with geometry. It’s sort of a different skill set, and I can imagine that some people’s brains are just not designed to think spatially as much as other people’s brains are.
Math…I hated, hated it. I had tutors to try to help me through it. I barely scraped through. And I hired tutors for my math when I home-schooled.
Chemistry but only because the quizzes were all multiple choice and I would second guess myself. Never loved math so I majored in languages but naturally ended up with a job that is ALL numbers.
History. It was so dry. To much information too fast, and all squashed together with to many wars and treaties and kings and queens that all sounded alike. I like history now, but that’s because I can dig a little deeper and understand it better.
I LOVED math, science, art, music, and English. I wasn’t good at gym until we got into volleyball and tennis and gymnastics, even though I was WAY too tall to be a gymnast – LOL!!!
TOO! Good grief. Stupid autocorrect.
No more words to say …..
This is a very common response!
Guess what I was going to say?
Yep, you’re right.
I use it all the time, and I guess I’m reasonably competent but it feels hard and stressful because I guess I don’t feel like I REALLY understand it. My niece is a high school math teacher and says for her it’s easy, comfortable, and intuitive. I think a lot about taking Math 101 or something at the community college, and can always find other priorities to occupy my time.
I love math. Yay math majors.
This might not be the target audience for that response.
Really, I love to read; I write well enough; but I have always struggled with reading comprehension, and I don’t know what category that falls under, but it does explain why I have always been a science person. “I get what it’s saying, but I don’t know what answer they want” is kind of how I always felt.
English. I am not creative at all. I struggled so much with what to write about if we had to write and turn in a paper in less than an hour. I don’t care for poetry.
But I LOVE math.
Calculus was the first subject in school I failed at. I mean, totally and completely failed at. I almost failed out of college because I couldn’t grasp calculus.
I had a private tutor, worked my butt off and after three tries … got a D+ and passed it enough to graduate.
I have not used Calculus since. Go to Hell, Calculus!
I plan to make it the rest of my life without needing to do calculus.