Of course, I would wish for more wishes! But that’s too easy an answer. 😉
I don’t know how to pick three things, honestly.
If we’re thinking enormous wishes, I’d wish for everyone to come to know Jesus, and for Jesus to come back and fix this broken world, because a new heavens and a new earth sound really fabulous to me.

Barring that, I’d wish to be free from sin myself.
The lyrics in a Sovereign Grace song say,
And the demons we’ve been fighting
Those without and those within
Will be underneath our feet
To never rise again
All our sins will be behind us
And we’ll taste Your kindness when we see Your face
And shew, I feel that. What a relief it would be to have the rest from fighting sin in myself.
It would be so lovely to be perfectly kind and humble and gentle and unselfish and patient (and the list goes on!)
I’ll throw a last one in here, even though I’m kind of at four wishes: I would wish to always know what the right thing is to do in every situation.
So often, especially in my adult life, I face situations where I really, really, REALLY want to do the right thing, but I am unsure of what the right thing is.
And if I could just know what’s right, then I could pursue it wholeheartedly and confidently, without second-guessing myself.
It’s the genie in a bottle question! It’s surprisingly hard to answer, though. But I have many thoughts, judging by the length of this comment. 🙂
What I thought of first:
1) That my children will find the direction that makes them content in life. I worry about this a lot, since we have chosen a very different path for our family and so it’s almost certain our children will all choose different ones, as well. Which we want! But it’s a lot harder to really think about what would make your own life feel right to YOU, rather than just doing what your parents did or what ever everyone else is doing. I have a couple of particularly unusual kids (doesn’t everyone . . .), and I think it will be hardest for them.
2) That people will realize there ARE things they can do to feel more in control and less anxious about their lives. I’m not speaking of actually controlling their lives (we all know mere mortals can’t do that . . .), but just to feel more secure in themselves. This means learning to DO things. Learning to cook so it doesn’t matter if restaurants are close; learning to grow things so it doesn’t matter (so much) if you can’t get to a store; learning how to use re-usable things in your home so that it doesn’t matter if you can’t get paper towels or even toilet paper; learning to fix things so it doesn’t matter if a repair person can’t get to your house. DIY for peace of mind. This has been on my mind a lot lately, for obvious reasons.
3) Relatedly, I would wish for more peace for all of those currently flipping out. This is not a good time for people with anxiety or other issues. I feel really bad for all of them–some of them I know personally, most I don’t–and I wish for peace for all of them. Iwish that even if there isn’t a genie coming out of a bottle to grant my wishes.
Probably your hardest-to-answer question yet, Kristen!
Right? It was a tough one.
I could think of a zillion wishes, but choosing which are most important was hard.
Would it be too much to wish to see dear ones that are now in Heaven? That would be one wish.
I wish too that my children live full long lives, hopefully one day with spouses and their own children, secure in their dependence on Jesus.
I wish that my husband has more peace. As the self employed main breadwinner of our home, he has lots of stress.
1. I wish I believed in God and an after life; despite being raised Catholic I have no faith now. I am envious of those who do.
2. I wish I were healthy so I would not be a burden on my husband.
3. I wish that all women in countries such as Afghanistan had the freedoms and choices I have.
Hi Lindsey,
I was just scrolling through and saw your comment.
At one point in my life, I believed the same thing. But now, after listening to a sermon on YouTube(sadly can’t remember the pastor) and through cultivating a habit of reading the bible daily, I’ve learned that you can’t lose Faith.
It’s always there, you might lose touch with it but you can’t lose it just as you wouldn’t lose the love of God coz everything you do is by faith and nothing can take that away from you.
God, faith and everything that is good is always next to us we just have to open ourselves up for it.
Hmmm….your wishes would make YOU and life in general VERY BORING. Fear and doubt can equal adventure. And a little sinning can be LOADS of fun. 😉
Wish 1 – That my loved ones knew Jesus.
Wish 2 – That there was no child in the world being abused in any way.
Wish 3 – That I was healthier.
Just three is hard!
1) I wish the virus was cure and all those ill would make a full recovery. This is my biggest wish right now.
2) I wish my hope to study abroad comes true.
3) I wish I write and publish a book.