Usually, the cat is the first one up in the morning.

And since she knows Mr. FG and I are the first possibilities for morning companionship, she is pretty much always waiting at our door when the alarm goes off.
One of us feeds her and gives her water, and though you could have sworn she was starving (based on the meowing), she has a perfunctory breakfast of a few pieces of kibble and then comes right back into our room.
She’s mostly hungry for people time in the morning. ๐
So, she hangs out with Mr. FG and me while we read our morning devotional in bed together. And after that, since I am more of a morning person than Mr. FG, I usually hop out of bed, toss his exercise clothes at him, and then we head out for a 3 mile walk.
Very occasionally he has been the first one out of bed and has tossed exercise clothes my way. But that is most definitely the exception (and he would agree. Ha.)
After the walk, there’s breakfast and showers, and the rest of the day begins.
Up to hit the switch on the electric kettle, then back to my room to get dressed, then make my coffee with the now-boiling water, then stretch for the five minutes it takes my coffee to brew, then take my coffee into the living room and mess around online until the toddler wakes up.
Any of this can be interrupted by the toddler, however. And if I don’t wake up before her, then it’s get dressed, haul her out of bed, and snuggle with her until I feel she’s recovered enough to start the coffee process. And no stretching.
Obviously, I like the first scenario better.
Up at about 5am everyday; I’m definitely a morning person! I make my husband’s lunch and in thirty years of marriage he might have only bought lunch out twice so that’s a lot of lunches. I usually have everything prepared from the day before so it is easy and quick. Then I have a few sips of my coffee and I head out with my neighbour for our 4.5 mile walk. This keeps me fit and sane. I do some sit ups and weights (like 3 minutes worth) and then I sit and finish my reheated coffee while I read your blogs.๐
So it works out great for you when I am organized enough to schedule my blog posts to publish at 5 am! ๐
It sure does! Thank you for keeping up with my schedule. โบ๏ธ
I was way too behind for you today! lol
Wow! Night-person here. This sounds awful to me. My cat has an automatic feeder and a bowl of water, as my vet feels scheduled feeding isnโt good. He, Licorice, sleeps later than I do. And he isnโt fat. To each his own, right?
I love your morning routine! Sounds wonderful!
Mine is a little more flexible… It depends on the morning. If I’m showering at home (or during quarantine, showering at all that day) then I have to be the first one out of bed. Otherwise I sleep another 40 minutes and get up sometime during my husband’s shower. I might pack my gym bag or head straight down to start getting breakfast and coffee and my daughter’s lunch ready. In normal life, not each day of the week is the same, but every Monday is the same, every Tuesday is the same, and so on.