I think my answer to this is a reflection of the more introverted side of me.
Or it could be a reflection of my current circumstances.
Or it could be because of the type of things that usually stress me out.
Whatever the cause, when I’m stressed, it helps me to be left alone.

That way, I don’t have to deal with other people’s feelings and needs, and I can just focus on whatever it is that would alleviate my stress.
If I get some time by myself, I can think and pray and reset my thoughts.
If I’m by myself, then I can do whatever it is that helps me destress, like reading a book or doing some writing.
If I’m stressed because I’m behind on something, then being left alone allows me to get caught up on whatever that thing is.
Regardless, I think the theme here is that when I’m stressed, I don’t turn to others to recharge me; I want to be left alone so I can recharge by myself.
And it is things like this that make me think that at my core, I am on the introverted side of things. Yes, I’m friendly, yes, I love people, yes, I love to pour time and energy into people, but when I am exhausted or stressed, I am not drawn to people.
And as I understand it, when extroverts are feeling weary, they are drawn to people.
Anyway, almost everything that helps a stressed-out me is something that happens best when I am alone.
Same as you, but also: sleep. When there’s a lot on my mind, I tend to wake up at something like 3:30 a.m., at which point my brain starts running and I’m done for. This makes me very, very tired. I know when I have a busy week, I will be short on sleep because I keep myself awake going over things in my head. It’s unfortunate, and I haven’t figured out how to stop this yet.
Sometimes just my husband pointing out the next thing to do, getting me out of my own head. And always, more sleep. I also wake up way too early, mulling over things of which I have no control. Praying as I lay there helps, too. A lot of that done over the last several years.
I’m so much like this. I WANT to do nothing but sleep and avoid, but my husband points out what I can do first and helps me get started, and that helps me more than the avoidance of sleep.
Hmm… I’m usually an extrovert who gets energy from being with people. When I’m stressed, I want to get away from where the stress is and yes, it’s often more fun if I can do it with someone! Living in the foothills of the Rockies, my favorite thing to do is go for a hike — get out of my headspace and let my brain have a chance to chill. There’s a trailhead five minutes from my house where I can put in a quick two mile loop in half an hour and that’s my fav.
But as a mom with young kids and dealing with depression, I find times when I just need to find a quiet place with nothing and no one. Bonus points if it’s not at my house where my to-do list surrounds me. Before Covid hit, I often took 3-4 hours at a local coffeeshop on Sunday evenings to just sit. and be. and let my brain start sorting through things that it needs to do. and be outwardly productive *if* I feel like it.
I’m an extrovert but definitely need to go to a quiet area and rest or read a book or go in nature where there is quiet when I’m stressed. Also sleep always helps. I know when I’m stressed when I fall to sleep easily but wake up in the middle of the night with my mind racing but can’t fall back to sleep.
It depends on the type of stress. If it’s grief I like to be with people and to keep busy. If it’s frustration moving (walking, yoga, etc.) help. When I have trouble falling asleep from stress a long shavasana helps me relax and fall asleep.
When everything is too much, I need to be alone at home. Normally this means I have to get up super early, because alone in a household of seven, yeahright; but that’s OK.
Another thing that helps is forswearing screens for an entire day (or two? if the stars align) and doing only things that require physical activity but not a lot of thinking. Cleaning, sorting, washing vehicles, yard work, canning something that takes a ton of prep, that sort of thing — always helpful.
Pre-pandemic I used to enjoy spin class when I was stressed. These days (when most of my life is at home) I need space.