When I was a kid, purple was forever and always my color of choice.
It’s girly, but not TOO girly, and it’s not as stereotypical as pink (which has never been my top choice).

However, I’m not sure I’d say purple is my favorite color anymore. My tastes have shifted a little in the direction of blue, particularly the darker shades of blue (not royal blue, and definitely not baby blue).
Of course, my favorite color depends on what we’re talking about. A rich, dark blue might be what I see as most beautiful, but I wouldn’t paint my house that color. I would, however, buy a car in that shade of blue!
And I generally think that brown is the ugliest of the colors on its own, but it can be beautiful on decks or furniture.
(Or chocolate. Chocolate is brown and it is beautiful.)
Green. Though, as you say, it can’t be on everything. I prefer my jeans to be indigo, for example. And my car is green, but my house is not.
Cobalt blue. I can get lost in that color.
I do not have a favorite color and don’t remember ever having one. My mom loved blue for many decades.
GREEN!!!!! It reminds me of nature and that is almost always where I’d like to be.
I usually love greens and blues. I like wearing colorful tops. I love vintage tablecloths and colorful dishes. I can’t pass up colorful vintage dishes at thrift stores. If it’s a color I love, I get it.
Brick orange. One year I painted our house that color and the guy across the street offered to pay for new paint and someone to paint the house if I would change the color.
How long did you have that color???I actually like that color. Not sure on a house though. I’d have to see it.
Grey!! 😊
Pink… I find it to be cheery. Though I’ve noticed that I often gravitate towards blue or purple when it comes to clothes.