I would immediately say that fall or spring are my favorite seasons.

That’s the time of year when we get that lovely in-between weather, where it’s not too cold and not too hot.
Plus there’s so much beauty in both of those seasons; the blooms of spring, the wild colors of fall.
And change happens so fast in those seasons too. It’s hard to get bored of the scenery in spring and fall.

I also appreciate that the air is not especially humid in spring and fall. High humidity makes me feel soggy, not perky. And my attitude gets soggy, not perky as well.
That said, I can see some good in summer (swimming! long days! no school! watermelon!)
And if pressed, I can see some good in winter (Snow is beautiful, if we get it. Crisp, clear, cold days have their own charm.)
But it’s easiest for me to see the good in spring and fall.
Each season has segments with their own personalities. I love summer, but my favorite subseason is July. Things are green, but not the worn-out green of later summer. Nights are warm. The humidity can be fierce, but usually isn’t. Some parts of production ag are in harvest (wheat! hay!), which is one of my favorite things. My hands are never cold. I don’t have to set an alarm clock unless I want to. And there’s so much light!
I’ll stop. lol.
Easy, Fall! I can’t take the summer heat. Here in summer sometimes it doesn’t ever cool down at night. I love everything about Fall. It’s still sunny but cooler. I love the colors snd foods and smells and we are all excited getting in to the holiday season. Fall is one giant sigh of relief for me from the summer. Also it’s my “née year/fresh start”. I always look at that time of year as my née calendar probably because of a new school year.
Fall. For all the reasons that Sara P. listed above. And because I can start wearing my very favorite clothing item: warm, cozy sweaters. I’m a little obsessed with them!
Spring. Things are blossoming, the days are getting warmer and lighter. All so good for the soul.
I’d say fall second, as I don’t love the heat of summer.
Third summer, like Kristen I like the long days and I prefer heat over cold.
I find winter to be sometimes difficult. Not only are the days generally cold, there is not much daylight, and often the skies are gray.
Before moving to East Texas, I always said fall. Now, it’s winter. East Texas winters are lovely. We usually stay above freezing, but have chilly evenings. It’s a lot like fall in the other places I’ve lived.
I love fall and winter. I don’t like hot! I love the colors of fall and the cool, crisp weather. I love winter…especially January through March or April. The trees in the woods behind our house are bare and we can see through them to watch the deer and sometimes other critters forage through the woods. It’s sometimes cold and dreary and I even like that and enjoy being warm and cozy inside. Our January is usually rainy and I like that. Even though I love the beautiful jonquils, I feel that they come too early because that means that winter will soon be past.
Almost forgot…I also like January because the holidays are done.
I don’t know that I have a favorite anymore. It used to be winter. I loved days that were in the 20’s and snowy. But having little kids changed my enjoyment of winter – so much bundling up, snowy boots getting on car seats, and it’s hard to push strollers in the snow.
There really is beauty in every season, though. We get great diversity of seasons here in Michigan and I’m so thankful for it. There’s a lot to appreciate about each one.
I’m going to say my favorite season is Bell’s All Natural. You know, the one with the turkey on the box.
Oh sorry, wrong season. 😉
For all the issues with the heat, I don’t think late spring and early to mid-summer can be beat. Seriously, the time between say May Day and the Fourth of July are the greatest days of the year if only for the fact that it’s light out so darn long. More time outside. More time to work and get things done. More time with family etc.
Autumn is nice in small batches but as we’re settling in to the bleakest time of year I will generally be in something of a funk until about March. This is mostly due to being housebound and the complete lack of light (I go to work in the dark and I go home in the dark.)
I love winter, for the snow and darkness. When we lived in a community at the top of Alaska, the sun set in November and did not come up again until January. I loved it, so peaceful and the holiday lights are especially visible. Fairbanks in December has the sun rising about 11 and setting about 2:30 in the afternoon. I am not a sun person at all.