A list of my favorite smells would be so much easier! Sounds are going to require more thinking for me.

- my kids’ laughter
- the crunch of fall leaves under my feet
- running water in a creek or brook
- a knife slicing through fresh, crusty homemade bread
- the bubble of brewing coffee
- strings, especially a cello, and the low notes of a violin
- a breeze in the trees
- the sound of a running dishwasher (I think because I associate it with tidiness)
- cat purrs
- the crackle of a fire
Waves on a gravel beach. My dog snoring.
This makes me chuckle a little. One of my favorites is sandhill cranes and one of my husband’s favorites is freshly weaned calves. He doesn’t like crane sounds (I have no idea why) and I think weaned calves sound unbearably lonesome (he thinks it’s the sound of a productive season). Total opposites. But this is a season for both, so we’re both happy.
Some wind chimes.
Ocean waves on beach.
Some bird songs, not at 4 AM.
Kids laughing. Really, anybody laughing.
My cats’ purr and other sighs and meows.
Voices of loved ones.
Music, though of course not all music.
I think I will try to pay attention and think more about this!
My most favorite sound? The pop when the lid seals after canning. lol SOOO satisfying! Next would probably be baby laughs. There’s hardly anything more adorable than that.
As a child the sound I loved most was hearing the smack of my parents kissing in the next room. Somehow it made me feel very safe and secure.
Yes to the first one! (But the others are also very nice.)
Baby laughs. Torah being chanted. The commotion of a busy kitchen. The opening chord of Clair de Lune. My husband’s key in the door coming home. The absence of traffic noise with just gentle wind rustling the trees…perfect!
Rushing water. We live on a river so it is often a background noise in our lives, until it freezes for the winter.
My husband snoring. He is not a loud snorer, more of a heavy breather, and I am an insomniac so I often lie there listening to him. It is soothing and makes me feel secure. I did force him to get a sleep apnea test and it turns out he is just a heavy breather so I stopped worrying about it.
A baby giggle
Babbling brook
Wind through trees
Cello music
Crackling fire
Just being in the sounds of nature in the quiet forest
This was a near gratitude exercise. Made me really stop and appreciate the lovely sounds around me. Thank you!
The laughter of my little kids.
Water… Preferably lake water. Bonus if it’s a Great Lake.
The opening line of The Christmas Song by Nat King Cole.
Skates on ice
Rain (not downpour)
Grandkids and any kids laughing
Soothing music, esp. guitar and also bells
Marching bands
ocean waves
baby breathing when asleep