I am not much of a sports person, honestly.
I’m not big on playing sports myself, and I suppose that’s part of why I don’t get into watching them.
I think my least favorite to watch is football (I hate how much the game stops! People say baseball is slow but oh my word, football is at least as bad.)
Speaking of which, probably my favorite to watch is baseball.

Partly this is because, after so many years of being married to a baseball fan, I know a lot about the game. Since I understand many of the ins and outs of the rules, I’m an informed observer and that helps things to be more interesting.
Still, I doubt I would have watched much baseball on my own; I only have watched this much and know this much about the game because Mr. FG is a Cubs fan.

I’ve seen lots of Cubs games over the years, I’ve visited Wrigley Field, and I stayed up until after midnight with Mr. FG to see the Cubs finally win the World Series.
So. If I have to pick: baseball.
If I don’t have to pick, then I just will not watch sports at all.
I always preferred playing sports to watching them, and I won’t watch them on television at all. In-person games are fun sometimes. My husband and brother both played rugby in law school/college, and that is an interesting sport to watch in person. Violent, though, so a little nerve-wracking if someone you care about is playing.
All the sports! Well, almost all of them. I’m not big on NASCAR, although I do follow one driver who is related to my niece by marriage, or soccer.
I love football, especially college football. (Go Dawgs!) I enjoy watching golf, baseball (Go Braves!), and even basketball, although I prefer that in person. Wrestling is also fun to watch in person. I watch some tennis, but my absolute favorite is college football. Getting up to watch Game Day on ESPN on Saturday mornings is a favorite thing to do with my middle son.
I adore the Olympics.
My parents enjoyed watching sports, so I guess I get it honestly. My mom and I call each other during Georgia games to either celebrate or worry.
Definitely baseball and probably tennis too. But in person in better. We don’t watch sports in tv. I’ve been to quite a few pro baseball games around the country group and those were a lot of fun. I like the calling of the game and crowd talking. It’s a neat energy, not too crazy.
Only college football. I don’t like the injection of politics in sports.
Politics do not need to be in sports. Agreed.
The Kentucky derby because it’s only about 3 minutes long so even I can pay attention to the whole thing. 😄 I do enjoy watching most of the Olympic sports though.
Olympics can be especially fun when the broadcasts share the backstories of the Olympians. Then you get really invested in how well they do!
No sports.
Football is just awful, but Lincoln on Husker game day is super dang fun. It’s worth it for the atmosphere. I eat, drink, and people-watch, and my husband is there for the ball game … though for me, once every five years or so will do. 😉
I used to love NASCAR, but not so much now — there’ve been so many rules changes, all the better for competition and safety, but disaster for fun factor.
It’s been a long time since I’ve spent much time watching sports. The most fun I had watching sports was Big Ten college basketball, in person, back in the late 1970s.
I’m a racing fan. I love to see cars go fast!
This is hard! I like sports. 🙂 So I’ll take it 3 ways…
In person up close: volleyball. As I have gone from coach’s kid to player to college assistant to coach’s wife over the last 25 years, I’ve watched a lot of volleyball and I enjoy it. And last Saturday I just entered the world of watching my child play.
In person far away: baseball. Relaxing, fun, enjoyable.
On TV: Olympics. If I have to be more specific, swimming and gymnastics.
I don’t watch any sports until the Olympics. Then I find myself watching things I would never in a hundred years consider wasting my time on…like shot puts (I don’t even know how to spell that!) or the horse in male gymnastics.
I enjoy sport the most when I feel a vested interest in the players or outcome; so basically when South Africans are participating. Having said that, I can’t watch rugby. Even if the Springboks are playing for the world cup.
My home is enjoying the current MotoGP season. Go Brad Binder!
I’ve given up all professional sports for several reasons (mostly because I am sick of overpaid millionaires talking politics and thinking they know everything just because they can play ball.)
But the game of baseball is a thing of beauty. I wish it could return to the days of beer and straw hats (as fictitiously depicted in films showing the 1890s) or at the very least something much more innocent and fun.
I’m English, live near Birmingham in the middle of England and my eldest son when almost 14 announces he wants to play American Football. A quick Google and I discover the oldest British American Football club in the U.K. is based about 20 miles away, The Birmingham Bulls, who knew! Cue a 40 mile round trip each Sunday for the next few years, him winning a spot in the U19 GB Squad and now he’s studying hard to take his ACT in the hope to gain a scholarship to attend College and play in the US.
I now only watch American Football, nothing else just American Football …. I’m not an expert but I’m learning 😂😂
Women’s softball, but good luck finding it.