Oh boy. This is not a good prompt for me.
It’s not that I’m exactly having trouble choosing a favorite from among all the superheroes; it’s that I know so little about the superheroes, I can’t pick at all.
Superhero movies/comics don’t tend to appeal to me because I’m just not that into the action genre.
I know action is considered to be really exciting, but I find it a little boring.
Like, explosion-near-miss-fast-fast-fireball-bang-bang-explosion, etc., etc., etc.
I’m really more into small, interpersonal dramas. And those are widely considered to be boring! I imagine there are a lot more people who think action movies are more exciting than small interpersonal drama movies.
Maybe I should answer this question: who is your favorite comic character?

And that would be Snoopy, of course. Because he’s really, really cute.
I particularly like the combo of Snoopy and Woodstock; drawings of the two of them hugging just melt my heart.
So. Snoopy is my superhero, I guess. 🙂
As a girl I loved Spider-Man comic books. But I’ve lost my taste for superhero movies (and action movies in general). You’re not alone, Kristen. I adore small, interpersonal dramas, both movies and TV shows. If it’s a drama that includes shooting, car chases, etc., I fast forward through those parts to get back to the interpersonal drama, lol.
Yep. Gotta get past those boring action scenes. 😉
I have a favorite but not because he’s a superhero. I love Robert Downey Jr. in anything! He just happened to be in the superhero movies too. I love the way he delivers his lines – like they were not written for him – it’s just him being himself. Loved him in Sherlock Holmes. There’s going to be a Sherlock Holmes 3 with both he and Jude Law (I like him too) but not until December 2021. 🙁
Snoopy for sure and his side kick Woodstock! And all the rest of the characters!
This is not a criticism but something I find amusing. Peanuts has so many lofty and philosophical and theological moments and people are instead drawn to Snoopy and Woodstock more when for me they were always the low point of the series.
What’s even more hilarious to me is that Belle (Snoopy’s sister) is heavily merchandised and is quite popular in Japan although her only real characteristics in the strip was to have a son whom Snoopy said looked like the Pink Panther and to be a nurse in Snoopy’s WWI fantasies.
As for me, I was never much for super heroes. I did really enjoy the Adventures of Captain Marvel serial. This character is now known as Shazam thanks to some trademark squatting by Marvel comics in a rather interesting legal case.
If I had to pick a comic character, it would be Charlie Brown. He is a complete failure face and can’t fly a kid, loses every ball game he’s played in, can’t kick a football, will never get to meet the Little Red Haired Girl, much less talk to her or get to know her and even his own dog can’t remember his name. Yet in spite of all this, old Charlie Brown keeps going. He is the modern day Sisyphus and in many ways the most human character to ever grace the comics page.
But Snoopy is SO CUTE. And Woodstock as well.
This is why no one has ever accused me of being an intellectual. Hah.