Oh man, I like so many foods! This is a very difficult question.
I suppose if you made me pick, I’d have to go here: Things Made With Flour.
And if you asked me to narrow it down even more, I’d say “bread”.
Further narrowing would lead to yeast bread.
Yeast bread fresh from the oven is just the best eating experience. Nothing else quite comes close.

And most of my favorite things to eat for dinner have some kind of flour/bread product in them: tacos, gyros, any kind of sandwich, gnocchi, and the list goes on.

My second category would probably be dairy-related. I don’t actually like plain milk that much, but I love, love love:
- whipped cream
- creamy sauces
- cheese
- yogurt
- sour cream
- cream cheese
But hmm, I also really love produce. Ugh, I knew this was too hard to do!
I’m with you on this one: flour-based foods. Although I really do love almost any combination of flour/sugar/fat, the one thing that is pretty much impossible for me to resist is the fresh garlic bread I make whenever I have to bake bread anyway. So about once a week. It’s soft and salty and garlicky, and with butter on top I have to physically distance myself from it so I don’t eat the whole loaf before my kids get any.
Tough, tough question. I do love fresh-baked breads, but I love potatoes and eggs possibly more. If I had to pick only one food to eat for an extended period of time, it would be eggs.
I adore breads – homemade loaves especially. Rolls, biscuits, cornbreads, pie crusts… and I can’t eat them anymore unless there is a way to make them from alternative flours, which just aren’t quite as good as the REAL THING. Insert sobbing emoji here.
So, my other favorites would probably include fruits, but like you, I really can’t narrow it down much. I love so many vegetables, I just love a good steak, but oh yes, crispy home-fried catfish or pork chops or chicken, but so many dairy products are fantastic, and yeah, eggs…
So what is my favorite type of food? Edible. That’s my answer, edible.
Followed closely by grain products.
Then beef and bacon.
Also salt and pepper. I can happily eat things I really don’t even care for with enough salt and pepper.
Yep, also anything with flour. It can range from a good piece of homemade multigrain or sourdough to a sweet pastry. Yum! Too bad this is the category I try to avoid.
As I sit here tying aboit to get my coffee, I am thinking that I sure am grateful for good quality coffee. I would also say do love the category of pies. I love making them too.
I like coffee and baked goods, but when it comes to pies, we differ! I hate making pies, and I don’t even really like eating them. So, they feel really not worth it to me in terms of effort.
That’s mostly how I feel about making cookies. I think it’s the oven factor. It’s the putting things in and out of the oven and waving it I must not like. I just like to put something in the oven once.
This is where Molly types a rambling reply…
I love bacon. I don’t need to have it on a burger, also another huge favorite, but I eat bacon for breakfast a lot. I had a BLT for dinner last night. 🙂 I love chocolate baked goods like cake or brownies. I sound so special here, right? MANY people like chocolate desserts…get a grip, Molly…:) Love cheese and meat. Love in season corn-on-the-cob and tomatoes (exactly last night’s dinner). Eggs too, with a runny yolk, oh boy. I’m big on seasoning particularly garlic. I can be heavy handed with garlic but luckily my family enjoys it as well. Fresh summer peaches…hmmm…there’s a theme with in season produce here…A really good salad, one with freshly picked leaves is the best, with homemade dressing…Potatoes cooked in lots of salty butter…
There’s a reason why I like the Pixar/Disney film, Ratatouille, so much!
My latest favorite way to eat bacon is in a grilled sandwich made with white bread, chipotle mayo, smoked gouda, and bacon.
The combo of all those smoky flavors is excellent!
The chipotle mayo sounds especially yummy.
It would be easier for me to say the foods I do not like: bacon, coffee and every single type of bean or lentil on the planet. Otherwise, I will eat anything, especially if Indian spices are involved. A guilty pleasure I no longer indulge in, which sounds gross to others but I swoon over, is to take a ball of fresh mozzarella and nuke it. Then I would swirl in a few tablespoons of Ragu spaghetti sauce and eat it all. I know, I know, very unhealthy, so I haven’t indulged in about 20 years.
I think that sounds pretty tasty, actually; you just need some fresh basil on top!
Thanksgiving. That’s a “type of food”, right? Pumpkin pie, stuffing, rolls… Yes. Thanksgiving food. 🙂
Can I change my answer?! Yes, Thanksgiving good! It’s so hot here, I must have forgotten about it.