I definitely do not love going to the dentist.
On the other hand, I am not terrified of going to the dentist.

I know some people basically have to be sedated in order to have their teeth worked on, and my distaste for dental appointments is not at that level (mercifully!)
I don’t really know how anyone would actually enjoy going to the dentist, though.
Your gums get prodded with a metal tool, your teeth get brushed with predictably disgusting (and gritty) toothpaste, and sometimes, you get the news that a cavity-filling appointment is in your future.
And fillings are worse than cleanings.
Plus, there is always the awkward situation where your hygienist asks you questions and you are unable to answer because your mouth is full of dental tools.
(All hygienists should be able to carry on lengthy monologues, in my opinion.)
And dental offices all have that weird sterile toothpaste smell.

That said, I figure that unaddressed dental problems would be far, far worse than regular dental appointments.
So, I do faithfully go to the dentist for check-ups twice a year, and I consistently floss and brush every day in between checkups.
This is a case of you don’t have to like it, you just have to do it.
But I do like going to the dentist! I love that fresh-from-the-dentist clean. I love sitting and doing nothing for a little bit during the day. I don’t like the possibility of needing a cavity filled because that makes me feel like a failure, but I do like going to the dentist. Maybe I just don’t get out enough 🙂
Well, I don’t go very often (I am blessed with very good teeth and have only had a few cavities in my forty years), so it’s maybe every couple of years. I don’t like it, but I don’t fear it. Mostly what I hate is having to keep my mouth wide open that long. It makes my jaw hurt.
I like going to the dentist. He never weighs me!
Brilliant point!
Not my favorite. I get kinda tense — not bad, just kinda — and I tend to go like five years between appointments. My baby teeth wouldn’t fall themselves out, so many of my initial visits were less than pleasant. I like clean teeth, though, and have never had a cavity (knock on wood).
My daughter loved going to the dentist when she was little….lol she is now a dental assistant. 🦷
I feel comfortable going to the dentist because I have extra good care now from my dental assistant.
I agree with Bobi…they don’t weigh me!!
I kind of like it. When I was younger, we didn’t have insurance and I only went to the dentist the one time I fell off a porch and messed up my tooth. I started going regularly when I hit high school and have ever since. So I see it as a privilege and am glad that I get to go.
I enjoy going to the dentist! Weird, huh?
My husband and I have had the same hygienist for years, and we’ve seen our kids grow up and leave home. She’s like a friend I see twice a year and we catch up before and after the tools-in-the-mouth parts. Now, the actual dentist? I see him so fleetingly, he’s just the mechanic when something needs to be fixed – LOL!
One short statement to describe how I feel about going to the dentist: I’d rather go the gynecologist!!
I like going to the dentist because my teeth feel so clean afterwards. It helps that I have had few cavities and never got wisdom teeth, so have never had a dentist cause me a lot of pain.
I don’t hate the dentist, but I certainly don’t love it. The thing I hate the worst is the initial “plaque removal” part by the hygienist at the beginning. It seems to take forever, and my gums always end up bleeding and hurting. Then it hit me! I ordered my very own set of dental tools from Amazon and voila! Now, I do as much as I can at home pretty regularly (I floss several times daily anyway!) and also right before I go. This GREATLY reduces the time spent with the hygienist and makes the visit much more enjoyable–if that’s possible. LOL!