This involves our old townhouse and is a recurring dream, which comes in various forms.
I’ve lived in exactly 3 homes in my adult life: our basement apartment, our townhouse, and our current house.
I almost never dream about our basement apartment, but I’ve had so many dreams where I am back at our townhouse.

I have no idea why this is; why would one former home feature so prominently in my dreams while the other one barely shows up at all?
In this latest version, we sold our current home and moved back into our townhouse. In my dream, I was very excited to have a master bathroom again.
I was also thrilled to have my old kitchen back because it’s bigger and has a pantry, which is just outside the frame of this picture to the left. 😉

(Even in my dream, I was planning to paint those cabinets, though!)
But in reality, the townhouse would be kind of problematic for us. For one thing, it doesn’t have enough parking for a family with teen drivers.
And three bedrooms would mean Sonia and Zoe would have to go back to room sharing, which they would hate!
Still, I was slightly disappointed to wake up and discover the pantry and master bathroom were just a dream.
I rarely remember my dreams, but I don’t think residences feature prominently in them. Most of the ones I remember I only remember because they feature anxiety of some sort. Just this morning the toddler awakened me from one in which I was unable to get on a plane and was stuck somewhere.
I have a lot of dreams where I can’t get where I’m supposed to be, and I can only move slowly.
Interestingly when I’m stressed or worried I always dream I’m living at my nan and grandad’s house. They have been dead for many years but I’m always living there. I did spend summers with them, despite only living a couple of miles away from them but as mom and dad were working I went to stay with my grandparents for the summer break.
During the lockdown and a stressful situation at work I’ve revisited that house many times over the last few weeks. The dreams of this house sometimes signposts me to my stress which I always think is my grandparents nudging me from wherever they are into better self care or waking me up to a situation that I might have missed in the busyness of daily life.
Polly and Leslie both born just after WWI and passing away at the end of the 1980s, miss them lots.
I have dreamt so many times that I am back in my grandparents’ tiny town in South Dakota. It was such a happy place for me and the dreams when I go there have always been good ones.
It’s hard losing good grandparents, isn’t it? <3
It is indeed.
Luckily my boys have had the wonderful experience of having great grandparents as well as grandparents. My DH is younger than me so his 2 nans and a grandad were present for the first 12 years or so of my children’s lives. So very special. We lost them all over quite a short period of time relatively recently but my boys still have a full set of 4 grandparents which is so very lovely as they get on so well.
When I can’t sleep, instead of counting sheep I walk myself from room to room in my grandparents house or in the house I grew up in. It’s just enough to clear my mind of whatever is keeping me from sleep! Works every time and I enjoy the tour of homes. I too have lived in 3 homes total and I am way older than you!
My oldest son is getting married today! Last night, I had a dream that he and he soon to be wife had 10 dogs at their new house! But we had to help take care of them all. Ha! Does this mean lots of kids in the future???’
We are doing the wedding in a backyard because the venue was canceled due to covid. We are still not allowed to have church in our state. You can eat at a restaurant or 300 people can shop at Walmart at once but 40 people can’t meet at church for a wedding so I’d say I’m stressed at about this wedding!
When I am anxious or worried, I dream I am lost–either on foot or in the car or even on other types of transport. I have a rather poor sense of direction, so it is understandable. Sometimes I am in high school–I am now over 73!–and cannot find my locker!
I have never dreamt, I don’t recall, of a previous home. Dreams are amazing; I wish we knew more about their significance, causes.