I’m of several minds about this, so my answer depends on what kind of mood I’m in.

The thing is, there are multiple ways I like to spend my time at the beach.
I like walking on the beach, but that’s really best in the morning or in the evening.
And I think I would like sitting on the beach under an umbrella with a book, but honestly, I don’t know that I’ve ever gotten the chance to do that.
(I probably need to go to the beach all by myself to make this happen! As things stand, I usually am doing things with other people.)

The other thing I enjoy at the beach is boogie-boarding, mainly because I really like going fast. And the challenge of trying to catch the right wave at the right time is endlessly appealing.
So, maybe my ideal day at the beach would start with a walk, followed by boogie-boarding and book reading, and ending with another walk on the beach.
Well I was fortunate enough to get to do just that a couple of weeks ago on the Northern California coast. I did some beac combing. I found some beautiful rocks and also sat peacefully and admired Godโs beautiful coastline. Amazing views! It was exactly what I needed after being cooped up in my house since March.
Uh, waiting to leave? I actually really dislike beaches. Too noisy, bright, hot, sandy . . . Even when we had our own lake beach, I spent a lot of time down there with my children wishing I were somewhere else. Very unfortunate, but true: I am just not a beach person.
This is how I feel too (though granted I’ve never had a personal beach to test it very thoroughly).
Nuked all my browser cookies and stuff and it recognized me as real me before I noticed, lol. Sorry for throwing you for a loop.
Thatโs why I like northern CA beaches. They are never hot or too sunny! And now my kids are all older and this time I was without ANY children!
Shopping and eating on the boardwalk. I hate sunbathing (don’t tan well, get bored and antsy, get overheated). But give me an air-conditioned place to walk and eat, and I’m in heaven!
Under a large sun canopy with a good book, copious amounts of fresh lemonade and the services of a personal butler to wave a fan if I get too hot! ๐๐
I like the idea of the beach more than actually going. No matter how much sunscreen I put on I always get a bit too tanned and I end up sweaty and exhausted from the heat.
I guess in theory I’d want to make a sand castle.
I just got to experience lots of this last week! We went camping at Sleeping Bear Dunes National Lakeshore on Lake Michigan. I took a book the first couple of days because a girl’s gotta dream, but reality was that I spent the whole time swimming or playing in the sand with my small children. It was really fun! I’m actually quite content to just sit in the water a few inches deep and watch them play, too. Then almost every beach trip ends with me trying to wrestle my screaming 2yo into a change of clothes or just carrying her (tiny screaming self) to the van because she loves swimming so much and never wants to leave. No matter what, memories are made. ๐