My basic answer is that I would probably stay right where I am, except that I would buy a house that I really love.
I’d stay here partially because I like that where I live has a good mix of all four seasons. But largely, it is because this is where so much of my family lives!
A lovely climate is only so good if you are far from the people you love, you know?
If we take the friends/family issue out of the equation, though, I can answer this better.
If money was truly no object, I would be quite likely to live somewhere in California, maybe above LA.

There’d be beautiful scenery, mild temperatures, not as much traffic as in L.A., and if I got tired of the warm air, there’d be mountains and snow not too far away.
And importantly, there would be low humidity. I think humid weather is one of the most intolerable types that exists, and that is why I would not ever consider moving to south Florida or, actually, most places in the deep south.
Nope, nope, nope. That would be a recipe for a crabby Kristen.
So. California it is. And how would I spend my time? Hmm. Well, I don’t think I’d change a whole lot; I’d still want to get my R.N. and work as a nurse.
And that’s because my return to school has nothing to do with money; being independently wealthy wouldn’t change my school/career trajectory at all.
I’d also probably still blog (because I love it!), and I’d serve in my church and my community.
My husband and I play this game a lot, although of course the location would depend on where our children end up, because I will certainly want to be by them. If I suddenly became a billionaire right now, I’m not sure anything much would change (except I would buy a new vehicle). But we’d probably stay here, because this is where we think it’s best for our children to be. In the future, however . . . I’ve always said I want to live on a piece of property that’s secluded enough that I can’t hear or see traffic, but close enough to services that I don’t have to drive more than a few miles to buy cream (heh). I would not want it to be anywhere with harsh winters, but I do like seasons.
As for what I would do . . . at this point in my life, it’s hard to conceive of doing anything I really want, you know? All these kids and all. But before I had kids and when I wasn’t working, I spent a lot of time gardening and volunteering at the public library. I would probably do that again.
Money no object! Fun.
I do enter four times a day for the HGTV dream house, but I can guarantee I would not move to Vermont if I won it. Lol.
Nebraska is good politically and climate-ly. My husband has a dream that is as good as any I could have, which is to independently own the perfect mix of farm and pasture where he could do whatever he decides he likes to with his cows and crops. We would need a good shop, barn and machine shed. I would want to design my own house and buy furniture that wasn’t all hand-me-downs.
If I could exactly choose, there’s a stretch of Highway 61 between Hyannis and Arthur that’s so, so beautiful.
How would I spend my time? Unclear. Less computer than currently. More outdoors.
Excellent pipe dream. But I’m pretty content with my reality, even if not all parts of it are perfect.
Nebraska! Woo hooo!!
Well. Since money is no object!…I would build my dream bungalow on a secluded beach within walking distance to a small village where I can shop for necessities. I would spend my time in a hammock reading, beach combing, eating fresh seafood, and becoming one with the locals. (This dream makes the assumption that family is not a factor.)
I too would build a dream house and due to family I would live where we are for spring, summer and fall. I live in Central New York, the weather for three seasons is lovely and there is endless availability to enjoy the outdoors. Winter is another story, the annual average snowfall is 126+ inches. I tolerate it now and function pretty well-a 4 wheel drive and snowblowers live in our garage-if money were no object for January-March I would be in a warmer state like Virginia.
What a fun question to think about!
Now that we are really in old age, I think that my answer to this has hanged 3 or4 times as the years passed
Having lived in Delaware since 1992 this is HOME. We like it for our friends, for the changing seasons–even the humidity! For the very good doctors and hospitals, for the very interesting food stores and especially for our house and garden
In a few years we plan to return to our first HOME, which is Texas, in order to build a house on our grandson’s land and live near to him and also our daughter and son-in-law who live on their own land adjoining his. My family is very close knit , whereas my husband’s family is scattered around Colorado and California and not particularly interested in each other.
Over the past years we have mellowed so much and are much more accepting of where and how we live. In fact we are mostly extremely content , except for health issues and the covid pandemic. We were lucky to inherit a fair amount of money this summer when my mother-in-law died and we filled a lot of long term wishes. Pretty modest but things we had wished for: technical music playing equipment and a lot of old LPS for my husband and a late 1800s bronze sculpture for myself (Mene’s “Dogs at a ferret hole” of which I had once a cheaper Parian copy, which came from a great aunt of my first husband’s. It was smashed in our flood following Hurricane Ffloyd in 1999) This cost us $3,000 and will give us pleasure for the rest of our lives- and my daughter’s afterwards.
Now we live again as we had done before with the security of knowing that our final years can be looked after financially with no burden upon our daughter.
So you could say that we have been able to answer your question as to what we would do as in most ways we have done it.
I would probably stay where I am, perhaps find a more secluded house that’s still within city limits or close to it. Though I suppose I could purchase a membership to stay with my current library if I happened to move out of the city limits and money isn’t a barrier. Nothing much would change until my kids are all in school. I’d keep serving at church in the ways I am now, but I’d find somewhere in the community to volunteer during the school day a few days a week. I think I’d like to serve in a place that helps immigrants and refugees.
I would build a house in an area out in the country but close enough to civilization when I needed it. I don’t have much family left (my parents, siblings and a niece and nephew) and I’m not tied down by friendships of any strength or other community ties.
I once thought I wanted to move south but the heat is just too much. On the flip side I hate snow and I hate the depression that sinks in during the winter.
So maybe I’d be something of a nomad.
My kids and grandkids are here in North Florida, so here I’ll probably stay, but if they moved away or we pretend they aren’t a factor, I’d move to Kentucky. Yeah, there are tornadoes, earthquakes and floods in Kentucky, but I was born there. I grew up just across the Ohio in a tiny town with few amenities, so I did most of my fun/shopping/doctors/etc. in Kentucky. It’s beautiful and I loved the changing seasons.
Factoring back in the family being in North Florida, I would probably buy a home in Kentucky and keep one in Florida, and become one of those snowbirds living in two states, ha.
I would read, craft, garden, explore historical sites, cook, travel some, and nap whenever I wanted and wake up whenever I wanted!
I would stay in my state I believe but I would like a little bungalow-style home with a view–a view of the ocean, a river, a pond, even a changing meadow. I would like to be within walking distance of amenities and trails. I do want some space between me and my neighbors–like I have now. I do like Key West but it is not practical.
I would wander. I’d get a vehicle easier to wander in. I’ve pretty much wandered the states so I might branch out to other countries. I was born a wanderer, the kid mom made everybody watch so I didn’t take off. Prolly some kinda brain damage at birth. 🌎