This is a weird prompt for me to answer.
As I’ve written about before, usually when I want to travel, it’s because I want to see people or spend time with particular people.
It’s much less about the traveling or the sight-seeing than it is about relationships.
So. If I wanted to spend time by myself, I wouldn’t really think a whole lot about the location; if I want to be by myself, it doesn’t really matter where I am!
If I traveled by myself, I’d be quite likely to hole up in my room and read books, so as long as it was quiet and comfortable, I could happily be by myself at a hotel 20 minutes from my house just as much as I could be happy by myself in Paris.

I do enjoy getting out in beautiful parts of natures, though, so how about I answer like this: somewhere quiet and comfortable that also has some lovely walking paths nearby.
I don’t want to travel alone but I would like to travel with just my wife. Traveling with kids is just so difficult.
I don’t expect to be traveling for years to come so it’s a moot point anyway.
I’m the same way. If I traveled alone, I’d be out in nature or in my hotel room with a book. Is rather experience things with my family.
I’d like to go to a warm beach. I don’t need to be in the water, but would love to sit in a chair and read a book (or five) while listening to the water. Then I can walk the beach when I need a reading break. Bonus points if I’m on the Great Lakes because I prefer fresh water to salt water and they’re so much less crowded than the parts of the Atlantic coast that I’ve been to before.
I would definitely travel to a resort by myself. Sitting around and relaxing is pretty much my husband’s idea of hell, so I would have to do that alone.
I think I would rather not travel alone; I would rather be able to be alone in my own home. I would read and drink coffee, play in the garden, sewing a little something, or watch a movie that nobody else would criticize.
But if I had to travel somewhere alone, I might go somewhere pretty in nature that is not too hot and not too cold, that has a comfy chair to sit in and a comfy bed to sleep in. I want something warm to drink in the morning and maybe some porridge. . . 🙂
I would love to visit museums, zoos, aquariums, historical sites, etc. where I could take my time to work through an entire section without feeling rushed or hurried.
My first husband died in 1974 from a brain tumor. For 2 years I raised my two Children alone and gradually piled up a little heap of solo pleasures plus pleasures accompanied by the children very much for their pleasures coming first.
Then in 1976 I re-married and since then have fulfilled lots of wanted delights– all of them I had longed to share with my new husband. This list is almost complete and the sharing has brought more than double pleasure. I am not a loner but being part of a loved twosome is my own idea of Heaven on earth.
I remember a particular famous trail outside El Paso, which I took with friends and cried much of the way because I so much wanted to share it with a loved person. About 4 years later I did and cried again, this time from happiness. My husband understands my temperament so well that he stayed silent, only helping with a part which included a difficult rappelling