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The Frugal Girl
Kristen, prompted
What were you afraid of as a child?
A time you won a contest
Your high school graduation
Are you competitive?
Are you tactful?
Your favorite color
How do you indulge yourself?
Which Olympic event would you compete in?
What first impression do you think you give?
Describe the kitchen of your childhood
Your favorite type of food
What do you think about when you can’t fall asleep?
Do you tell the truth even when it might hurt?
How would you spend a day at the beach?
Do you think it’s important to have good manners?
How would you help a friend in an embarrassing moment?
A relationship you nurtured today
What’s a country you’d like to visit?
A healthy food that you love
Who do you talk to when you have a problem?
If you could become an expert in something, what?
What was the best birthday present you ever received?
Your favorite superhero
What was your favorite movie as a child?
Your favorite summer BBQ food
When was the last time you cried?
Three of your dad’s favorite things
A proud moment as a child
What is something you dislike about yourself?
In what areas are you optimistic?
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