Reading is best when I’m all by myself or at least when it’s quiet around me. I am 100% not a person who would go to Starbucks to read a book. Too much noise, too many other people, and Starbucks is just not as comfy as home. I mean, I do plenty of reading in…
Your favorite place to read
Your most recent dream
This involves our old townhouse and is a recurring dream, which comes in various forms. I’ve lived in exactly 3 homes in my adult life: our basement apartment, our townhouse, and our current house. I almost never dream about our basement apartment, but I’ve had so many dreams where I am back at our townhouse….
A favorite book quote
From Louisa May Alcott’s An Old-Fashioned Girl: “Talk to me. You don’t seem to have as many worries as other people. What’s the secret, Polly?” And Fanny looked up with wet eyes and a wistful face at Polly, who was putting little dabs of cologne all over her head. “Well,” said Polly, slowly, “I try…
What makes you angry?
Most people would probably have multiple possible answers to this question, and even though anger is not a dominant emotion for me, I still can think of more than one way to answer this. I think one of the things that makes me the most angry is this: being accused of something that is not…
Three things you want in a relationship
I don’t know if this means a romantic relationship or a platonic one. I think I’ll go with platonic, because a lot of that would still carry over to a romantic relationship. (A romantic relationship should be a friendship, after all!) 1. To be asked questions As I said in the sidebar paragraph on this…
The most outrageous, crazy thing you’ve ever done
Honestly, guys, there’s not a lot of material to work with here. I am just not the type of person who does outrageous and crazy things. Generally speaking, I color in the lines, follow the rules, and do what’s responsible. I have done some sort of adventurous things, but I don’t know if they’re exactly…
What magic power would you like to have?
My first thought after reading this prompt is that I’d like to have some kind of magical power that could help right all the wrongs in this broken world. It would be pretty nice to be able to heal diseases, eradicate racial injustices, remove abuse from the world, and so on. But Lisey pointed out…
Three pet peeves
I was having a little trouble thinking of what my pet peeves are. But Lisey was in the room while I was writing this, and she reminded me of a few of them. (The people that live with you hear about your pet peeves regularly!) one It drives me crazy when people take too long…
Your favorite musical
When I was a teenager, I really liked musicals. In fact, my sister and I would routinely check out musical soundtrack CDs from the library. I think we listened to soundtracks way more than we watched the actual musicals. We were super obsessed with Oliver! one year, and I don’t think we’d even seen the…
Your favorite day of the week
I am positive I’m in the minority here, but I would say Monday is my favorite day of the week. I like it for the same reason I like mornings; it feels like a fresh start, full of possibilities. Yes, Monday signals the re-start of school and work and other responsibilities, but that really doesn’t…
If you could have dinner with anyone who has passed away, who?
Whew, that was a long title! I think I would choose my grandma, my dad’s mom. I know I’ve mentioned before that she died very suddenly (brain aneurysm) when Lisey was a baby. I was 23 at the time, so I feel a little like I didn’t get to relate to my grandma as an…
Your longest road trip
There’s no contest here! The summer after I graduated from high school, my family took a road trip to Banff, Canada. And let me tell you, that is really, really far from the east coast of the United States. 2400 miles, to be exact. I believe it took us three straight days of driving to…
What was your favorite college class?
I only have 30 credit hours under my belt at this point, so I don’t have tons to choose from. But my favorite class from my two semesters was definitely medical terminology. I have always loved words, so vocabulary is fun for me every time. Plus, I find medical stuff to be fascinating. So, words…
The first apartment you ever rented
My first and only apartment was the one Mr. FG and I shared after we got married. We had only a few pennies to rub together, but mercifully, there was a basement apartment available for a mere $425/month. It was just one bedroom, but the bedroom was pretty large, and so was the bathroom. And…
Who was your favorite elementary teacher?
Well, this is a weird question for me because I only went to elementary school for one year: kindergarten. After that, I was homeschooled until college. So, I had an official kindergarten teacher, and then following kindergarten, my only “school teacher” was my mom. I know homeschool moms do teach, but it’s hard to think…
How would you describe yourself?
My first thought was about how to describe my personality. But then it occurred to me that describing yourself could also mean sharing what you look like. Hmm. Well. Most of you know what I look like, since I am not an anonymous blogger. Since you know what I look like, we’ll go with the…
What was your favorite cartoon as a kid?
Unlike many children of the 1980s, I didn’t really watch cartoons. And that’s just because I didn’t really watch TV at all. My family did have a TV, but it was used only rarely; an occasional football game, the Olympics, or a VHS rental during a sleepover. (I did watch the launch of the Challenger…
3 Favorite Clothing Items
This would be a better prompt for someone like Sonia, because Sonia has big feelings about her clothes. Me? I just am not that passionate about clothing. I like to look kind of put together, but my tastes are fairly basic. (My uniform for most of the year is jeans and some kind of knit…
What is something you are passionate about?
There are a lot of things I feel passionate about! It’s hard to pick just one. I think one way to figure this out is to consider what I blog about (on my main blog). What do I write about over and over? Gratefulness Optimism/looking for the good Frugality Waste avoidance (I don’t like things…
Which language do you wish you could speak?
If I answer this question from just-for-fun standpoint, I think I’d probably say French. Or German. French just seems like such a fancy language to speak. I could pretend to be sophisticated! And German is appealing to me because I have a lot of German heritage. BUT. If I think about this from a practical…
What’s your go-to social network?
I’m not sure if this prompt meant social media or something else. But it’s my blog and I decided this sounds like a social media question to me. So. Instagram is definitely my favorite social networking/media platform. Why? I’m a pretty visual person and I think that’s the main reason I prefer Instagram over Twitter…
What phrase do you overuse?
I don’t know if it’s really a phrase or not, but a thing I say a lot is, “I’m not that fussed about it.” I think I say this so often for a few reasons. For starters, I’m not a perfectionist, which means that I am often not too fussed about the details of things….
What did you want to be when you grew up?
This has a couple of answers. I mainly remember wanting to grow up, get married, have children, and run a household. (I think we can put a pretty solid check beside that desire!) Since one can’t really guarantee that path in life, though, I did spend childhood/teen years thinking about job options too. At first,…
Your first job
Technically, my first job was babysitting. But that’s kind of boring to write about. My second job: a brief stint working with my dad in his underground sprinkler business. That was very not up my alley (thus, the brief stint!) My third job was teaching piano lessons, which I started doing when I was 14….
What would you wish for with 3 wishes?
Of course, I would wish for more wishes! But that’s too easy an answer. 😉 I don’t know how to pick three things, honestly. If we’re thinking enormous wishes, I’d wish for everyone to come to know Jesus, and for Jesus to come back and fix this broken world, because a new heavens and a…
Your favorite smells
There are a couple of scents that almost always make me pause an inhale deeply. Sawdust/fresh cut wood This one came immediately to mind when I read the prompt! The smell of sawdust always makes me feel like a kid again because it was such a familiar smell in my dad’s workshop. On winter afternoons,…
How do you deal with anger?
I wouldn’t say anger is one of the primary negative emotions I feel. I’m much more likely to feel sad, hurt, exhausted, despairing, or anxious than angry. But, even though I have a pretty long fuse, I do sometimes get angry. Frustratingly enough, when I talk about my anger, whether it’s to the person I’m…
How do you relieve stress?
Sometimes, I don’t relieve it very well, and the stress gets kind of bottled up inside me. But when I am dealing with it more healthfully, here’s what I do. I reach out to a friend/family member for empathy/advice/truth-telling/prayer* I pray Sometimes I have a very serious crying session I go get a hug from…
The most disappointed you have ever been
I can think of plenty of topics for this prompt that are totally not appropriate for a public journal because those disappointments had to do with other people’s behavior or choices. (Which is probably the case for most of us!) So, how about we go with one of the times I have felt pretty disappointed…
Your favorite songs
I don’t think I could pick all-time favorites, but here are three that currently come to mind. Always Good-Andrew Peterson The truths in this song are so helpful to me when I feel discouraged. “As we try to believe what is not meant to be understoodWill You help us to trust Your intentions for us…