Hmm. There are a few things that come to mind, and I just want to say, before I list them, that I know that my skills are a gift from God, and I’m approaching this list in that light. Because otherwise, geez, it feels pretty braggy to answer this type of question. Thinking about other…
What are you really good at?
How do you start your day?
As I imagine is the case for most people, this does vary some. But a typical morning starts with either Mr. FG or me feeding the cat. She’s very anxious for us to wake up in the morning, and she does kinda want to be fed. Mainly, though, she’s lonely after having spent the whole…
What do you consider to be your culture?
When I think of culture, ethnic culture is what comes to mind first. I live in an American culture, of course, and I do think that shapes some of my identity. But I think there are other cultures, small and large, at play in my identity too. There’s a culture created anytime there’s a group,…
Have you ever run away from home?
This could be a very short essay: no. But since that’s kind of boring, I’ll elaborate. 😉 Running away never even crossed my mind when I lived with parents. I suppose part of this is my personality (I’m a rule-follower and I don’t like to make waves). But another part of it is just that…
Your first week in college
I remember feeling very, very nervous. I suppose any freshman feels nervous, but my particular nervousness was due to the fact that my college classes were my first experience with formal education since…kindergarten. (I went to a private Christian school for kindergarten and then was homeschooled all the way through high school.) My own kids…
Who was your best friend in elementary school?
I did have two non-family main friends in elementary school, but I think my best friend at that stage of my life was my little sister. Since we were homeschooled, she was my most available and obvious playmate (there’s no friend so convenient as one who shares your room!), and we were fairly inseparable. In…
What was your favorite book as a child?
If we’re talking elementary school, I just don’t know. I was a voracious reader pretty much from the time I learned how. Books, magazines, product labels (ha!)…if there were words in front of me, I read them. Since elementary school books are pretty short, I read countless books at that time, and none stand out…
How do you normally spend your weekends?
There are a few things that are pretty consistent on weekends: a date night church on Sunday mornings youth group for Zoe on Sunday evening But other than that, we don’t have a lot of things regularly scheduled, so weekends vary a lot. Some of the “varying part” options: Once a month, I have book…
What qualities do you value in a romantic partner?
I’m going to modify this one. New title: What qualities do you value in your romantic partner? I’ve only ever had one romantic partner, so the question doesn’t exactly make sense for me any other way! So, a few things I value about my only romantic partner: His faith I would personally not ever want…
A mistake people often make about you
I’m going with three small misconceptions since none in particular stood out. And I’m listing the correction to the misconception, not the actual misconception! I’m not actually an extrovert In real life, I’m a pretty friendly, talkative, and bubbly person. Also, I’m good at small talk, so I pass as an extrovert. But I don’t…
Something that’s annoying you
This weekend, I learned from an Instagram post that there is a procedure to correct something known as a “gummy smile”. And honestly, I’m pretty annoyed about this. I mean, I thought hip dips were a dumb thing that someone made up for women to worry about. (I’ve got hip dips, and I never, ever…
A lie you told
I’ll pick a story that’s so familiar in my own house that it’s a running joke. When my little sister and I were kids, my mom ordered a set of two blankets for our bunk beds. One was smooth, and the other had kind of a waffle texture. The smooth one was infinitely superior in…
What do you miss most about being a kid?
There are lots of things that are nice about being an adult, of course. But as an adult, there have been multiple times where I have looked back longingly at my childhood for this reason: it was great to not have to be ultimately responsible for very much. Of course, I had my own kid…
A lesson you learned from your grandpa
I don’t feel like I knew my grandpa nearly as well as I knew my grandma. Part of this is because I am a granddaughter (my big brother knew my grandpa better than I did!), and part of this is because my grandpa was a pretty quiet person. I think maybe the thing I noticed…
Things that make you happy
I’m just going to make a bulleted list of things that come to mind. So, they’re gonna be in random order. And this is not going to be an exhaustive list because I could go on for a long time. I mean, there are a lot of happy things available in the world! being able…
What nicknames did you have growing up?
My family was not at all big on nicknames, my mom in particular. In fact, I think she’s said that one of the reasons she likes my name is that it’s a little difficult to turn into a nickname. (Whereas a name like Jennifer is inevitably shortened, even by people you’ve just met.) I can…
What was your first driving experience like?
I was 17 when I learned to drive. That’s a little bit on the old side, especially for someone from my generation. But for some reason, I just wasn’t in a huge hurry. And after a rather adventurous experience with my older brother learning to drive, my parents weren’t in a hurry either. Heh. At…
Are you a city person or a country person?
I’m going with a solid, “neither!” answer for this one. I always say that I’m not a city mouse or a country mouse; I’m a suburb mouse. Reasons I don’t like cities: too few trees not enough green too few parking lots too many people/crowds too much noise Reasons I don’t love the country: I…
Your first crush
I wasn’t a particularly crush-heavy teenager. I didn’t have posters on my walls, I didn’t join fan clubs, and I definitely did not have any t-shirts with boys on them. But I do remember that when I saw Wild Hearts Can’t Be Broken, I thought that the actor who played Al (Michael Schoeffling) was seriously…
Your favorite childhood vacation
This is easy! Far and away my favorite spot to visit was my grandparents’ little town in South Dakota. I don’t think most people would look at this little town and name it on their dream destination lists, but my goodness, I loved it. There are so many reasons this was a highlight of my…
Describe a good neighbor
This prompt immediately made me think of The Good Samaritan parable. The story basically points out that every other human being is my neighbor, no matter who they are or where they come from. And Jesus precedes the story by saying, “Love your neighbor as yourself.” Which seems to be saying, “Hey, this is how…
If you could have dinner with anyone alive…
who would it be? There are probably dozens of people alive that would be great to have dinner with, so it’s hard to pick just one. And the question kind of assumes that this is someone I don’t normally have dinner with, so I can’t answer it with something like, “My husband!” (I can think…
What’s something you love about yourself?
Oh, geez. My difficulty with this question is not because I think there is nothing lovable about myself. Rather, I feel conflicted about prompts like this because they seem so much like gazing at my own belly button. Or tooting my own horn. So, I’m going to approach it like this. You know how the…
What would you do if you were a teacher?
This is a funny question because I have been a teacher in a lot of ways already in my life. I taught piano lessons for 20 years I’ve taught children’s Sunday School classes I’ve been homeschooling since 2004 I’ve been blogging since 2008, which is kind of like teaching So, although I haven’t been a…
Have you ever had an encounter with the police?
I’m a pretty serious rule-follower, so it will not surprise you to hear that my run-ins with the police have not been numerous. In fact, I’ve only ever been pulled over one time. It was in 2004, when Sonia was a baby. I remember that I had had a particularly trying day; I don’t remember…
Who is someone you miss?
This is easy: my grandma on my dad’s side. I really, really loved my grandma. She died suddenly from a brain aneurysm in 2001, when I was 23. We got the call from my mom sometime in the middle of the night, and I remember hanging up the phone and then sitting down to nurse…
When you were a child, how did you imagine your adult self?
I’m going to answer this question by telling a funny story about my younger self. At the age of four, I found myself staring at the prospect of half-day kindergarten, and I felt kind of down in the dumps about it. Then I realized that after kindergarten comes first grade, and then meant spending a…
What makes you unique?
Oh man. It seems like this is a question that would be better answered by someone other than me! I could answer this question about other people far more easily than I can about myself. Unique officially means, “being the only one of its kind; unlike anything else. “ And in some senses, by the…
How do you cope with worry?
I don’t think I always cope with it well, of course. I’m not sure anyone does! Hard situations tempt most people to worry. But, on the occasions when I am dealing with it responsibly, here’s what helps me. praying talking to friends and family talking to Mr. FG reminding myself that God is in control…
What’s your favorite time of day?
I have to go with morning. I love the fresh start, the whole day stretching out before me, full of possibilities and time. I also love morning light. I like that there are no mistakes yet in the day, as Anne Shirley would say. Also, I tend to have my best energy in the morning….