Oh boy, this feels like a hard prompt for the moment. 2020 was not a year filled with a whole bunch of delightful times for me. (Or honestly for an awful lot of the world!) Of course, there were good moments, but they were mixed in with a lot of not-great times. I think maybe…
My best memory from last year
An accomplishment I’m proud of
This prompt makes me feel a little odd because I know that when I am able to accomplish something, it is because of the grace, gifts, and opportunities that God has given me. So, it feels a little bit strange to be proud of my accomplishments. Gratefulness seems more appropriate. Maybe I’ll edit and ask…
A chance I took and have never regretted
I’ll preface by saying that this is not a big chance. And most people probably wouldn’t even see it as taking a chance! But for me, it was. The chance in question: getting a cat. I did not grow up in a house with animals, aside from a few fish, and a hamster who was…
A lesson I’ll never forget
I’ll share a lesson that blogging has taught me. I knew about this concept before I started blogging, but blogging really brought it home for me. It’s this: A soft answer turns away wrath. It’s from a biblical proverb, of course: “A harsh word stirs up anger, but a soft answer turns away wrath.” I…
The hardest area of my life to find balance
Oof. I feel like there are oodles of life areas where it is hard, hard, hard to find balance. But the first one that occurred to me is an area that has been a lifelong struggle for me. I have a terrible time figuring out the balance between overlooking irritations/offenses and confronting them. For most…
One thing I want to quit
You might laugh at the first thing that came to mind, but here we go. (If you are grossed out by zits, leave now.) So. I want to stop messing with/popping my zits. I don’t even get that many zits, but I have a TERRIBLE TIME leaving them alone. At least, on my skin. I…
I feel reassured when:
This is a little hard to answer because it depends on what I am feeling not-assured about! I feel reassured when a fellow Christian reminds me of biblical truths. I feel reassured when someone tells me they love me. I feel reassured when someone who is an expert tells me there’s nothing to worry about/something…
An experience that’s made you a better person
There are lots of experiences that could fall under this heading, and I think most of them are hard experiences. There’s nothing quite like suffering and difficulty to refine and grow a person, you know? Some of those experiences are too personal to blog about, but I’ll pick two that are appropriate for public consumption!…
A skill I’d like to nurture
Oh man, there are a lot of things I could list here. There are so many skills a person could pursue…more than could ever fit into a single lifetime! I’ll pick just a few, though. I’d like to: learn to speak Spanish (am currently very elementary) do an unassisted chin-up (currently, I still need bands)…
The first person I think of when I hear something funny
I assume this prompt means, “Who’s the first person you want to share this funny thing with?” I think it depends a lot on what kind of funny thing it is. But the person I most often share funny things with is probably Lisey, mostly because we find a lot of the same things funny….
A skill I feel I am strong in
I think most people have multiple skills that could be an answer to this question! It would be a rare person who had only one skill. One that comes to mind for me? Consistency. I don’t do everything consistently all the time, but over the course of my life, I do have a pattern of…
Something that always relaxes me
“Always” is maybe too strong of a word. If we change it to “almost always”, here’s my list: a hot shower going for a solo walk reading a book writing a chat with a friend a good hug from someone I trust playing the piano And maybe I’d add, “my bed” because when I climb…
Somewhere I want to travel alone
This is a weird prompt for me to answer. As I’ve written about before, usually when I want to travel, it’s because I want to see people or spend time with particular people. It’s much less about the traveling or the sight-seeing than it is about relationships. So. If I wanted to spend time by…
I don’t want to be defined by:
-other people’s opinions of me For a lot of my life, I have been prone to giving too much weight to what other people think. Or too much weight to other people’s reactions. So if someone is upset with me, I tend to automatically assume that I should assume the blame. Or if someone says,…
Something I always procrastinate
The first thing that came to mind: putting away folded laundry. I have no idea why it is this step that trips me up. You’d think maybe I would get stuck at the washing or drying step. Or the folding step, which is really what takes the longest. But somehow, I have to really make…
An insecurity I’ve overcome
Sometimes when I read these prompts, I feel a little bit like a kid in a classroom, on receiving end of a question from a teacher. And then when I think of an answer, I almost feel like I should raise my hand and be like, “Ooh! I know!” I felt that way with this…
Merry Christmas!
Today’s prompt was: Your beliefs about the holidays So, how about a few thoughts about Christianity and Christmas? I don’t think Christians NEED to celebrate Christmas (it’s not mandated anywhere in the Bible that I see), but I also don’t think it’s wrong to celebrate Christmas. Giving gifts to others, meditating on the incarnation; those…
Your feelings on meditation
This probably is a sign of a flaw in me, but: I find meditation to be really boring. I have an extremely hard time sitting still with nothing to do, read, or watch. In fact, I had a similar reaction to yoga; it felt too slow to me, and I found myself just wanting to…
What are you most looking forward to next year?
Boy, I would imagine that my answer is the same as almost everyone’s around the globe: I am looking forward to the end of the pandemic and a return to something approaching normal life. (which sounds like it will probably happen in 2021) It’s not really that I mind wearing a mask; I’m kind of…
Your thoughts on body image
I sat here with this prompt for a while, trying to figure out what to say. Body image is a huge topic! For me personally, body image has not been an enormous struggle. Some might say that this is because my body type is pretty conventionally acceptable but I’m not sure that’s it. I have…
Your theme song
I think it’s hard to choose just one song to be a theme song. All of us are multi-dimensional beings, and it seems like we’d all need multiple songs to really encompass our multiple themes! Andrew Peterson’s Always Good is the top one that comes to mind. I tried to pick out a lyric or…
What do you want to be remembered for?
You know how the Bible says that Christians are the body of Christ? I take that to mean, at least in part, that I am supposed to be a physical means by which God shows his love to the world. For instance, God doesn’t use his own physical hands to work here on earth. But…
What makes you feel safe?
I don’t know if I should answer this from a physical or emotional perspective. Physical safety seems a little obvious, so maybe it would be more thoughtful to go with the emotional side of things. So, what makes me feel emotionally safe? Or, what is it about another person that makes me feel like the…
Your favorite Christmas song
I really like Brethren’s version of All Is Well; actually, there are several tracks on their Christmas album that I enjoy. I also love Lauren Daigle’s Noel. And no one asked, but the Christmas song I hate the most is “Simply Having a Wonderful Christmastime” by Paul McCartney. I know he’s a talented person, but…
Your mom’s favorite saying
My younger brother would do better than me with this prompt. Like so many youngest children, he is an astute observer of his mother, and he can accurately impersonate/roast her at a moment’s notice. (Zoe can do the same thing with me!) When my mom does something thoughtless (like turning the oven on when a…
Is it ever a bad thing to be honest?
Um. This feels like a tricky question. An opposite question “Is it always a bad thing to lie?” feels a little simpler. (My answer would be, most of the time, with some rare exceptions. And it takes a lot of wisdom to figure out those exceptions.) To the question at hand: I think that, as…
How you feel about your leadership skills?
Oh boy. Ummm, I don’t really think of myself as much of a leader. I really don’t like being in charge of a group or a program. Or a bunch of people. I don’t want to make a bunch of decisions that affect a bunch of people, I don’t like dealing with people being unhappy…
Who are you rooting for?
My word, this could be a very long list! A shorter prompt would be, “Who are you not rooting for?” (In case you are not familiar with this idiom, it just means to cheer someone on.) The first answer that came to mind: my kids. I am always hoping for them to have success, to…
Someone I clash with
I don’t know that there are a lot of people that I exactly clash with. I mean, if someone drives me crazy or I disagree with them about multitudes of things, I am still usually non-confrontational enough to prevent an actual clash. So maybe I should answer this: “What types of people do you not…
Your favorite season (and why!)
I would immediately say that fall or spring are my favorite seasons. Why? That’s the time of year when we get that lovely in-between weather, where it’s not too cold and not too hot. Plus there’s so much beauty in both of those seasons; the blooms of spring, the wild colors of fall. And change…