Zoe currently is growing out a semi-pixie cut, but she’s also got an undercut in the back. During these COVID times, I’ve been buzzing the undercut part for her while we let the top grow out. I usually use the No. 1 shield when I buzz it, which means it’s pretty short. Well, this week…
When was the last time you cried?
Three of your dad’s favorite things
I can quickly think of more than three, but I’ll try to stick to the prompt. 1. Firewood My dad really likes to have a big stash of firewood. He and my mom have a wood stove at their house and also a fire pit, so he does actually use the wood. I think he…
A proud moment as a child
When I was in kindergarten (the only year I went to “real” school), my mom was pregnant with my little brother. Some complications came up in her pregnancy, which meant she suddenly had to go to the hospital in the middle of the week. And I think she might have been on bed rest after…
What is something you dislike about yourself?
Probably the thing I dislike the most is that I am conflict-avoidant. I have been this way since I was a little kid; I’ve been “going along to get along” for many years. I know my parents often referred to me as a peacemaker, and that’s probably because I just tended to fold at the…
In what areas are you optimistic?
Um, most of them. I suppose a better question for me would be, “In what areas are you pessimistic?” And then I’d have to do some thinking. There probably is some area where I don’t feel particularly hopeful or optimistic. As I’ve sat here pondering this, I think most of the cases where I feel…
What’s the most embarrassing thing you’ve worn?
Yikes. I have lots of options to choose from here, but I’ll go with the first one that popped into my head: my childhood glasses. I grew up in the 80s, which is when large, plastic-framed glasses were in style, and for a long time, I have cringed when looking back at my old photos….
Your favorite season
I’m going to pick two because I am a rule-breaker. (Hahaha. I can’t even type that with a straight face.) The two I pick are spring and fall, largely because the weather is similar in both. My favorite weather is the type where you don’t need air conditioning or heat because then you can just…
Your first car
It was a white 4-door Dodge Shadow, which I bought secondhand when I was 17. My dad, who is very good at used car shopping, helped me find it. The main downside of this car is that the previous owner smoked in it. And this fact was never more apparent than when the car sat…
Describe a time you felt vengeful
I looked this one up, just to be sure I knew precisely what it is to be vengeful. The internet says: “seeking to harm someone in return for a perceived injury.” I don’t know that I’ve really felt vengeful in my life. If someone hurts me, I don’t suddenly wish their house would burn down…
A letter to an enemy
When I printed out my June prompts and saw this one, I was like, “Oh man, do I even have an enemy? What in the world will I write about for this one?” I suppose you have to figure out how you define an enemy. I wasn’t sure, so I did what any sensible person…
What memories do you associate with summer?
My strongest childhood summer memories involve visits to Iowa and South Dakota to visit my grandparents. My dad, a touring musician with a military band, basically got the whole month of July off every year. So, we generally spent that time traveling, and we always made a stop in Iowa and South Dakota. My favorite…
If you owned a store, what would you sell?
I have never considered owning an actual store, so I had to think about this for a bit. I don’t know how financially sustainable it would be, but I think I’d enjoy owning a store that sold long-lasting and/or reusable products. Basically, I’d like to sell things that don’t turn into trash a year or…
If you could live anywhere in the world, where?
Well, I’ve lived in the same state my entire life. I’ve visited lots of other places in the U.S., but a visit doesn’t really tell you if you’d like to live somewhere. For one thing, it’s too short, and for another, you’re on vacation. Everything seems nicer on vacation! Let’s see. I think I’d like…
Do you believe in love at first sight?
Nope. That’s a very short blog post, so I’ll elaborate a little. I do think attraction at first sight is a real thing. And attraction at first sight could lead to a relationship, which could in turn lead to love. If someone says, “It was love at first sight! And here we are, 50 years…
Something you really want but won’t buy
Boy, I really don’t know. There aren’t a whole lot of things I feel like I want. I suppose I could answer this with, “A different house”. I have never loved the design of our house (split foyer); we bought it because it was what we could afford at the time. But at this point…
What are your thoughts on cooking?
I’m 42, and I’ve been cooking for a really long time. When I was in my early-mid teens, I voluntarily took over a lot of the cooking in my family home. I got married when I was 19, and have been doing the majority of the cooking in my own home since then. So, I’ve…
When do you feel lonely?
Honestly, the last time I remember being lonely was in 1999. I think this lengthy period of non-loneliness is due to two factors: I’m not a person who gets lonely easily My life has not involved a lot of alone-ness since 1999. The occasion in 1999 happened during my first pregnancy, while I was not…
The last thing that really made you laugh
We bought a kayak recently, and someone from Mr. FG’s work let us pick up his extra kayak so that we’d have two. Mr. FG and and I took them down to the river in our neighborhood and hopped in the water. (Neither of us had kayaked before, although I logged many hours of canoe…
How do you exercise?
Unless the weather is terrible (like pouring-down rain), I start each day with a 3 mile walk around our neighborhood with Mr. FG. I like walking, but we are currently at a time of year when this is more of a struggle for me. Oppressively humid mornings are way harder for me than cold, dry…
Your favorite board game
I’m not a huge fan of playing games, but I do like some board games. Probably my top favorite is Connect Four. I will shamelessly tell you that I like this one because I am really good at it. Whatever spacial/visual skills it requires match up very nicely with the way my brain works. Mr….
The first time you truly felt independent
I’m sure there are earlier times in my left when I felt independent, but the story that comes to mind happened when I was 15. I got scheduled for knee surgery in the spring, a time of year when my dad (a saxophone player) was always gone on tour. Before the surgery, I had to…
Foods you hate
I don’t consider myself to be a very picky eater, so I’m going to have to sit and ponder this question for a minute. Let’s see. As a kid, I really hated a Norwegian dish called kumla. Same for German potato pancakes. (Maybe I just didn’t like the recipe my family used, because these ones…
Beach or mountains?
I know a lot of people have a very strong preference here, but I don’t have particularly strong feelings one way or the other. I do enjoy the beach; I like boogie boarding, walking on the beach, and reading by the beach. However, I don’t feel the irresistible pull to the beach that I hear…
Are you an introvert or an extrovert?
I really am not positive! I’ve taken test that say I am an ambivert, which means that I’m pretty close to the line between introverts and extroverts. I’ve always said that I am a friendly introvert, which is maybe what an ambivert is. It’s pretty easy for me to meet new people and to make…
If you were a color, what would it be?
This is a funny question because I really do not tend to think of people (myself or others!) as colors. I discussed it with Sonia, though, and as I thought about it more, I was able to think of some colors that relate to people. For instance, Zoe seems like the color red to me…
Your thoughts on 3D movies
Oh my word, I hate them. I am not part of the population segment that is unable to actually see the 3D effect, but I really don’t enjoy 3D at all. The effect never looks all that convincing to me; it looks more like a pop-up book than anything. I see the images coming off…
Would you ever get rid of your television?
This is not really a fair prompt in this day and age because even if we all got rid of our TVs, we would still have plenty of other screens to watch something on. That said, I am not at all married to the TV. I do really enjoy watching period TV shows with Sonia…
What talents do you have?
This prompt made me think of the parable of the talents (which is, I believe, where we derive the word.) In that sense, the word “talent” refers to a gift God has give to you, which you can then use to serve God by serving others. I like this way of thinking of talents because:…
What’s your morning ritual?
Usually, the cat is the first one up in the morning. And since she knows Mr. FG and I are the first possibilities for morning companionship, she is pretty much always waiting at our door when the alarm goes off. One of us feeds her and gives her water, and though you could have sworn…
What’s the view from your bedroom window?
Our bedroom actually has three windows, which is a mercy since our bedroom walls are partially underground due to the grade of our lot. Because of this, the windows are smaller than our upper level windows. But I think having three of them helps to make up for their size (or lack thereof). One window…